Reading list
I keep copy of each book is in the Dropbox, searchable by title.
- All Systems Red, Martha Wells (2017)
- Modern Front-End Development for Rails, Noel Rappin
- Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications: Discover practical design patterns for maintainable web applications Paperback (Vladimir Dementyev) [1]
- Быть собой: Новая теория сознания (Анил Сет)
- ⭐ The Creative Act: A Way of Being (Rick Rubin) [1] [2]
- CLI text processing with GNU awk [1]
- GNU Parallel 2018 (Ole Tange) [1], [2]
- ⭐ Clean Code, Code of conduct (Robert Martin)
- ⭐ Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails (David Bryant Copeland)
- ⭐ Resilient management (Lara Hogan)
- Век тревожности (Скотт Стоссел)
- Почему я отвлекаюсь (Эдвард Хэлловэлл, Джон Рэйти)
- ⭐ The Art of Learning (Josh Waitzkin)
- Книга ленивого гуру (Лоуренс Шортер)
- Junior to Senior (Yuri Karabatov) [1]
- Designing DataIntensive Applications (Martin Kleppmann)
- Go Recipes (Shiju Varghese)
- Go Design Patterns (Mario Castro Contreras)
- The Little Book of Stoicism (Jonas Salzgeber)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- ⭐ The Art of PostgreSQL (Dimitri Fontaine)
- Webapps in Go, the anti textbook (Suraj Patil)
- ⭐ Язык шаблонов (Кристофер Александер)
- ⭐ Practical Object-Oriented Design: An Agile Primer Using Ruby Paperback (Sandi Metz)
- ⭐ Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems (Martin Kleppmann)